Linking up with Carissa for confessions!
I confess...
That I have been skipping on some of my insanity workouts...*gasp!* I fully intend to catch up I am not that far behind. I liked the schedule I have (so that might call for 2-a-days) but I've been getting home so late. If it comes down to the regular gym or insanity, the gym usually wins!
I confess...
That I thought I actually make a decent salary until I found out what most other entry level jobs with the same ammount of education for other professions are. (ignorance really is bliss...)

I confess...
That I intend to wake up early every day...but hit the snooze about 6 times....I've tried putting my phone on the other side of the room, flipping on the light, turning on the TV...everything! I just cant get up when it first goes off!
The worst is when I wake up on my own about 10 minutes before the alarm goes off...I automatically set my clock for a later time.
The worst is when I wake up on my own about 10 minutes before the alarm goes off...I automatically set my clock for a later time.